'Six Days in Fallujah' developer details torture mini-game, confident they'll find publisher

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

There have been plenty of controversial video games before, but most have been for their inclusion of violence or sexual situations. Very few have ever dared to tread into the realms of a real, historical event to tell their story; Those that have were almost entirely indie developed games... until now.

You may have heard of the controversy surrounding developer Atomic Games' 'Six Days in Fallujah' already, but it definitely won't be ending there. Since losing their original publisher, Konami -- after a group of war veterans criticized the game's existance -- the studio has been hard at work promoting the game in the hopes of landing a new publisher.

Unfortunately, they may just be shooting themselves in the foot. In a recent interview with This Gamesite Isn't Fake, they talked about how confident they were in finding a new publisher, then immediately revealed their new torture mini-game section to the interviewer.

"We wanted to make the game as real as possible, by including lots of really real events." Said the game's director, Juan Benito. The TGIF journalist tasked with the interview wrote about being taken aback, but it didn't end there. When asked if there were any other parts of the game that one could describe as "ripped from the headlines", Benito seemed eager to respond.

"Definitely, we're just working out how much time we have. We're pretty sure we'll find another publisher soon, but until then we keep sticking in new parts of the game. That, uh, helicopter thing just recently? You know, where those soldiers gunned down a bunch of civilians? We're programming that into the game right now. It might not make it in, because I'm sure a bunch of publishers are ready to knock down our door, but it can always be DLC or something."

You know all those news organizations that immediately jump to demonize video games because they assume they are an immature medium that can't handle controversial material in a deep or meaningful way? They might be right.


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